Thursday, April 16, 2009

Internet Safety Share

For the doing part of the internet safety I talked with my parents. They are pretty up to date when it comes to technology and I wanted to see how much they knew about internet safety. I started by asking them what dangers they thought the internet has and what they do to keep themselves and their family safe from them. I was pretty impressed with how much they knew and what they were currently doing. They have all their computers in open spaces in the house and they don't give out their private information. Even though they no longer have young children of their own they are starting to get grandchildren. I showed them a clip on netsmartz about chat rooms and cyber bullying and then asked what they would do to educate their grandchildren or younger nieces and nephews. They said, "The most important thing is to talk to your children about what's out there and be upfront with them about the real dangers that exist. It's really a balancing act between giving them freedom and keeping them safe. When it comes down to it though all you can do is teach them correct principles and hope they'll make good choices." It was interesting talking to my parents and being able to look back on the precautions they took with me and my siblings growing up. I think they did a pretty good job.

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