Thursday, February 12, 2009

My digital story

This is my poem interpretation of Shel Silverstein's poem, "The Meehoo with an Exactlywatt." This was created using photostory, which is such a user friendly program that it would be great for students to use! It is a great way for students to bring literature to life while participating in technology and the arts!


  1. This was hilarious! I liked the how the emotions in the pictures captured what was going on in the poem. This was marvelous!

  2. Great job, the music was perfect!!

  3. I loved this! Great job with the music and the pictures!

  4. Very cute! I loved the facial expressions and the music. It all worked together really well!

  5. Great job! I loved the facial expressions and pictures. Plus, the music totally fit! I loved watching it!
